Child Moved Away And You Need A Home Office? Tips On Transforming Their Room

If your child has moved away from home, you may be wanting to turn their old bedroom into a home office for you. If so, follow the tips below so you can the perfect home office.

Micro Addition

If your child's bedroom is not quite large enough for you, you can do a micro addition, also known as a bump-out, instead of a full sized addition. This is the perfect way to add on a little space to a room, and is much less expensive. This type of addition is cantilevered from an existing structure, which is your house, so it does not need any foundation work. You will also be able to use your existing HVAC unit to warm and cool the space.

One of the most important things about adding a bump-out is that it has to be supported properly. If it is not, the roof will start sagging, which can cause structural damage to your home.

Bump-outs do not have a basement or crawl space, which means cold air can easily enter through the floor. To take care of this problem, make sure the floor is properly insulated. It also has to be flashed and sealed properly under the exterior sheathing so no water can penetrate through the walls.

To ensure everything is done right, you should hire contractors and builders to build the bump-out for you.

Setting It Up Ergonomically

Setting up your office ergonomically can keep you from injuries, such as back and wrist pain. Start out with your chair. It should feel comfortable when sitting in it, so make sure it has enough cushion. The chair should have arm rest when you are not using your keyboard or mouse. The arm rests should be low enough so that you feel relaxed when your arms are resting on them.  Purchase a chair that is height adjustable. You need have the chair adjusted to a height where you can sit your feet flat on the floor comfortably. Having lumbar support in the chair is also important to keep your back from aching after sitting for long periods.

Place the monitor on your desk directly in front of you so that it is about an arm's length away from you. The screen should be adjusted so that it is a little below eye level.  You do not want to have to constantly look straight into the monitor.  This will prevent eye strain. Use a wrist wrest to reduce strain on your wrists, and place the mouse next to the keyboard so you don't have to stretch your wrist at all when using it.

Once you have it set up ergonomically, you can have fun setting the rest of it up, such as the décor, shelving, and accessories for your desk.
