What To Expect With Fiberglass Insulation Installation When You Need To Replace Your Old Insulation

If you live in an old house with fiberglass batt insulation in the attic, it may be time to have the insulation replaced. This might be necessary if the insulation is old and falling apart or if there is water damage. An insulation contractor can safely remove the old insulation no matter what condition it's in and install new batt insulation. Here's how the process works.

Remove The Old Insulation Safely

The contractor has to work safely to get the old insulation out of your attic so the new fiberglass insulation installation can begin. The removal is done carefully so fiberglass fibers aren't spread throughout your home. The batt blankets can be rolled up and placed in plastic bags if they are still intact.

If they are in pieces, the contractor has to hook up a long vacuum hose and remove the old insulation through the vacuum that empties on the truck. Any material that's collected inside the attic needs to be bagged before taking it through your house.

Choose The New Insulation

If the contractor is installing new fiberglass insulation on a bare floor or wall, they'll probably choose insulation that has a vapor barrier attached to the back. This type of fiberglass insulation comes on big rolls that you can cut to fit with a utility knife.

The rolls come in standard widths, but if necessary, you can trim the width too. The contractor can put fiberglass batt insulation on your attic floors, walls, and ceiling, depending on how your attic is made and your needs.

Install The New Insulation

Fiberglass batt insulation installation is fairly easy since the insulation doesn't have to be adhered in any way. Instead, it's forced between wall studs or ceiling joists so it is held in place naturally. It's important to have a nice, tight fit so the insulation stays in place and so no air can leak around the sides of the batt once it's installed.

The most difficult part of working with fiberglass is that it is irritating to the skin and lungs, so when the contractor installs the insulation, they'll probably wear protective equipment. The installation process goes fairly fast, but if it's summer and very hot in your attic, the contractor may need to take rest breaks and cool down occasionally for safety reasons.

One thing the contractor will watch for is to not cover up the soffit vents. These are along the edges of your attic on the floor, and they allow air circulation through your attic. The contractor may put baffles over the vets to make sure the insulation stays away and won't interfere with proper attic ventilation.

For more information, reach out to a fiberglass insulation installation service near you.
